The Bay Circuit Trail at Cyr Recycling Center
1:00 PM13:00

The Bay Circuit Trail at Cyr Recycling Center

  • 470 Berry Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come explore this little known trail system along the Bay Circuit Trail, through town conservation land and state forest behind the Cyr Recycling Center . The hike should last about 2 hours.

Our hikes are free, open to all and family friendly. Dogs should be leashed.

We'll meet at the soccer field parking area at the far end of Berry St near the junction with Route 114.. (Note this is not the soccer field parking lot on Sharpner’s Pond Rd.)

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Destination Salem Pond
1:00 PM13:00

Destination Salem Pond

  • 305 Middleton Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For our May hike, we'll explore North Andover's Salem Pond. Far from the beaten path, Salem Pond is situated deep in Harold Parker State Forest, accessible only on foot. One of the forest's 9 man-made ponds, it was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the 1930s.

We'll meet at 1pm from the park headquarters parking area on Middleton Rd in North Andover. (Not the pavilion or Berry Pond parking areas.) For GPS, use 305 Middleton Rd North Andover.)

Our walks are free and family friendly, and usually last about two hours. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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Boston Hill to Holt Hill Adventure
1:00 PM13:00

Boston Hill to Holt Hill Adventure

  • 1275 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come hike across Ward Reservation with FONAT. The hike will last about 2 hours as we hike from North Andover’s Boston Hill to Andover’s Holt Hill! We’ll enjoy the panoramic views of the Boston skyline from unique cleared hilltops dotted with blue birds, and check out Ward’s famous solstice stones.

Note this hike will be strenuous, as we’ll be climbing two of the highest hills in Essex County.

The meeting place will be the Brightview retirement community on 114.  (The trailhead is on the far end of the parking lot.)

The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels.

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Boxford State Forest History Hike
1:00 PM13:00

Boxford State Forest History Hike

  • 744 Sharpners Pond Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In 1968, the Defense Department selected North Andover for the nation's first Sentinel Anti-Ballistic Missile base. Come explore Boxford State Forest with FONAT while learning the fascinating history of this unique corner of North Andover, what's left behind, and what could have been.

Our walks are free and family friendly, and will take about two hours. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

We will meet at the state forest parking area at the end of Sharpner’s Pond Road in North Andover.

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Family Hike to Elephant Rock
1:00 PM13:00

Family Hike to Elephant Rock

  • 1275 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join FONAT’s first “family hike”, as we climb up Boston Hill to Elephant Rock. At the summit we’ll take a break to enjoy the beautiful views and a snack.

The meeting place will be the Brightview retirement community on 114.  (The trailhead is on the far end of the parking lot.)

The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels.

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Fall at Mazurenko Farm and Carter Hill
1:00 PM13:00

Fall at Mazurenko Farm and Carter Hill

  • 579 South Bradford Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come explore the trails and new boardwalks at Mazurenko Farm and Carter Hill. The hike should last about 2 hours and promises beautiful views as we ascend Barker Hill and Carter Hill.

Our hikes are free, open to all and family friendly.  Dogs should be leashed.

We'll meet at the Mazurenko Farm main parking area on Bradford St.

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The Osgood Hill Loop
1:00 PM13:00

The Osgood Hill Loop

  • 723 Osgood Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come check out North Andover's Osgood Hill, as we hike the Stevens Trail to Half Mile Hill.

We'll meet at the trailhead at the Stevens Estate carriage house. (Drive up the hill to the estate and proceed to the farthest parking lot.)

The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels.  

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Explore Bruin Hill Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

Explore Bruin Hill Reservation

  • 605 Winter Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Did you know you can see the Boston skyline from Bruin Hill? For our December hike, we’ll check out the trails at Greenbelt’s Bruin Hill Reservation. This hike will be shorter than our usual hikes, coming in at about an hour.

We'll meet at the trailhead on Winter St where the power lines cross the road. The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels.  

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Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest
1:00 PM13:00

Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest

  • 744 Sharpners Pond Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For this hike, we're trying something a bit different— we'll hike for approximately 4 hours instead of the usual 2 hours!

Over 300 acres of Boxford State Forest burned in a forest fire in November. Come spend the afternoon exploring the extent of the burned area, as well as the non-burned areas to the east.

Participants should come prepared for an extended-length hike of approximately 4 hours. Microspikes, Yaktrax or other traction aids recommended unless we have a complete thaw or enough snow to use snow shoes.

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Hike/Snowshoe at Farnsworth Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

Hike/Snowshoe at Farnsworth Reservation

  • 700 South Bradford Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Friends of North Andover Trails for an afternoon hike or snowshoe. Bring snowshoes if there is enough snow or Microspikes, Yaktrax, or similar traction devices if it is icy.

Our hikes are free, open to all and family friendly.  Dogs should be leashed.

We will begin at the a new location this year, at the trailhead to Greenbelt's Farnsworth Reservation. Use 700 South Bradford St for GPS. Park along the street.

This hike will last about two hours. Heavy rain or snow cancels, but we will go in light snow.

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Destination Sudden Pond
1:00 PM13:00

Destination Sudden Pond

  • 305 Middleton Rd North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For our January hike, we'll explore North Andover's Sudden Pond, one of the forest's 9 man-made ponds. We will also take a short detour to the marker stone where North Andover, Middleton and North Reading meet.

We'll meet at 1pm at the park headquarters parking area on Middleton Rd in North Andover. (For GPS, use 305 Middleton Rd North Andover, MA.) Our walks are free and family friendly, and usually last about two hours. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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Discover Glennie Woodlot and Town Farm North
1:00 PM13:00

Discover Glennie Woodlot and Town Farm North

  • 572 Dale St North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on a guided hike at Glennie Woodlot, as we cross a the Glennie bridge to the little known trails at Town Farm North. The hike will be a bit shorter than our usual walks, coming in at about an hour.

The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels.  Leashed dogs are welcome.

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The Stevens to Stevens Trail History Hike
1:00 PM13:00

The Stevens to Stevens Trail History Hike

  • Andover St and Osgood St North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come check out the Stevens to Stevens Trail, a scenic trail connecting the Old Center Common to Weir Hill. Along the way, we’ll learn about the Old Center’s history as the site of the town’s original settlement.
We'll meet at the North Andover Old Center Common, at the corner of Andover St and Osgood St. The event is free and family friendly.  Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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The Lost 50 and the Tri-Town Loop
1:00 PM13:00

The Lost 50 and the Tri-Town Loop

  • 200 Liberty Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us to check out the lesser-explored trails in the wilderness where North Andover, Middleton, and Boxford meet. We’ll begin our hike on Middleton’s “Lost 50” trail, and then continue along the ancient roads and cart paths of Boxford State Forest.

We'll meet at the Lost 50 trailhead on North Liberty St in Middleton. This spot can be tricky to locate. For GPS, navigate to 200 Liberty St in North Andover (the corner of Liberty St and Watkins Way) and look for a North Liberty St sign. Continue down North Liberty St, (a dirt road), until you see the trail head on your left.

The event is free and family friendly. Heavy rain cancels.

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Harold Parker State Forest Exploration
1:00 PM13:00

Harold Parker State Forest Exploration

  • 614 Middleton Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Harold Parker State Forest, located half in North Andover and half in Andover, is a hidden gem, with a wide variety of trails accessible for hiking and biking. We will walk past beaver dams and ponds, traveling on a well-maintained forest trail, making our way first to the old soapstone quarry site and finally to the historic Jenkins Mill site.

A wonderfully diverse 2-hour walk. Children are very welcome. Dogs can come along, but they must be group friendly and leashed.

We'll meet at the parking area on Middleton Road at the "pavilion" between Jenkins and Harold Parker Roads. (Look for event signs. For GPS, use 614 Middleton Rd, North Andover. Note this is NOT the Berry Pond beach parking area.)

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Weir Hill and Osgood Hill Summer Adventure
1:00 PM13:00

Weir Hill and Osgood Hill Summer Adventure

  • 56 Stevens Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a hike up Weir Hill, down to the lake trail, and then up to the summit of Osgood Hill The hike should last about two hours, with refreshments served at the top of the Osgood hill!

Our meeting place will be the Weir Hill main entrance on Steven St.

Our hikes are family-friendly, and leashed dogs are also welcome to join in. Check back here for any updates due to weather.

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Leonhard Farm Trail
1:00 PM13:00

Leonhard Farm Trail

  • Bruin Hill Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join FONAT to check out a wooded loop through the Leonhard-Eldred Farm conservation restriction along the border with Boxford.

We'll meet at the end of Bruin Hill Rd. This hike will last about an hour. The event is free and family friendly. Heavy rain cancels.

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Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest
1:00 PM13:00

Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest

  • 744 Sharpners Pond Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come spend the afternoon exploring Boxford State Forest. For this hike, we're trying something a bit different— we'll hike for approximately 4 hours instead of the usual 2 hours! See how beautiful the forest really is as you follow portions of the Bay Circuit Trail across the Boxford border, explore a large red pine plantation nicknamed of the "Enchanted Forest", observe a beaver lodge & its inhabitants' recent activity, and more.

Participants should come prepared for an extended-length hike of approximately 4 hours. Microspikes, Yaktrax or other traction aids recommended unless we have a complete thaw or enough snow to use snow shoes.

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Hike/Snowshoe Town Farm & Farnsworth Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

Hike/Snowshoe Town Farm & Farnsworth Reservation

  • 462 Dale Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Friends of North Andover Trails for an afternoon hike or snowshoe. We will begin at the Gallagher Field parking lot on Dale St, and start off through the Town Farm Forest, connecting to Greenbelt's Farnsworth Reservation. Bring snowshoes if their is enough snow or Microspikes, Yaktrax, or similar traction devices if it is icy.

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Destination Sudden Pond (RESCHEDULED)
1:00 PM13:00

Destination Sudden Pond (RESCHEDULED)

  • 305 Middleton Rd North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

RESCHEDULED: The hike has been rescheduled to Sunday, Dec 10th due to rainy weather.

For our December hike, we'll explore North Andover's Sudden Pond, one of the forest's 9 man-made ponds. We will also take a short detour to the marker stone where North Andover, Middleton and North Reading meet.

We'll meet at 1pm at the park headquarters parking area on Middleton Rd in North Andover. (For GPS, use 305 Middleton Rd North Andover, MA.) Our walks are free and family friendly, and usually last about two hours. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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The Bay Circuit Trail at Cyr Recycling Center
1:00 PM13:00

The Bay Circuit Trail at Cyr Recycling Center

  • 470 Berry Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come explore this little known trail system along the Bay Circuit Trail, through town conservation land and state forest behind the Cyr Recycling Center . The hike should last about 2 hours.

Our hikes are free, open to all and family friendly. Dogs should be leashed.

We'll meet at the soccer field parking area at the far end of Berry St near the junction with Route 114.. (Note this is not the soccer field parking lot on Sharpner’s Pond Rd.)

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The Lake Trail
1:00 PM13:00

The Lake Trail

  • 538 Pleasant Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come check out North Andover's lake trail, as we hike from Stevens Pond, along the shores of Lake Cochichewick, through Weir Hill to the top of Osgood Hill.

We'll meet at the trail parking lot on Pleasant St, just beyond the Stevens Pond swimming area.

The event is free and family friendly. The hike will last about two hours on hilly terrain. Heavy rain cancels.

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The Stevens to Stevens Trail History Hike
1:00 PM13:00

The Stevens to Stevens Trail History Hike

  • Andover St and Osgood St North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come check out the Stevens to Stevens Trail, a scenic trail connecting the Old Center Common to Weir Hill and Osgood Hill. Along the way, we’ll learn about the Old Center’s history as the site of the town’s original settlement.

We'll meet at the North Andover Old Center Common, near the corner of Andover St and Osgood St. The event is free and family friendly. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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CANCELLED: Explore Town Farm & Farnsworth Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

CANCELLED: Explore Town Farm & Farnsworth Reservation

  • 462 Dale Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sorry, cancelled due to wet weather!

Join Friends of North Andover Trails for an afternoon hike. We will begin at the Gallagher Field parking lot on Dale St, and start off through the Town Farm Forest, connecting to Greenbelt's Farnsworth Reservation.

Our hikes are free, open to all and family friendly. Dogs should be leashed.
This hike will last about two hours. Heavy rain cancels.

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Boston Hill and Ward Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

Boston Hill and Ward Reservation

  • 1275 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come hike at Ward Reservation with FONAT. The hike will last about 2 hours and promises Boston skyline views from Boston Hill and Holt Hill. The meeting place will be the Brightview retirement community on 114. (The trailhead is on the far end of the parking lot.)

The event is free and family friendly, however note that it is a strenuous hike, as we ascend two of the tallest “peaks” in Essex County!

Heavy rain cancels. Leashed dogs are welcome.

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Discover Glennie Woodlot and Town Farm North
1:00 PM13:00

Discover Glennie Woodlot and Town Farm North

  • 572 Dale St North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on our first guided hike at Glennie Woodlot, as we cross a newly constructed bridge to the little known trails at Town Farm North. The hike will be a bit shorter than our usual walks, coming in at about an hour.

The event is free and family friendly. Heavy rain cancels. Leashed dogs are welcome.

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Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest
1:00 PM13:00

Extended-Length Hike at Boxford State Forest

  • 744 Sharpners Pond Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come spend the afternoon exploring Boxford State Forest. For this hike, we're trying something a bit different— we'll hike for approximately 4 hours instead of the usual 2 hours! See how beautiful the forest really is as you follow portions of the Bay Circuit Trail across the Boxford border, explore a large red pine plantation nicknamed of the "Enchanted Forest", observe a beaver lodge & its inhabitants' recent activity, and more.

Participants should come prepared for an extended-length hike of approximately 4 hours. Microspikes, Yaktrax or other traction aids recommended unless we have a complete thaw or enough snow to use snow shoes.

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The Ledges at Harold Parker
1:00 PM13:00

The Ledges at Harold Parker

  • 580 Middleton Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For our February hike, we'll explore North Andover's Ledges Trail. Far from the beaten path, the ledges are rock formations situated deep in Harold Parker State Forest.

We'll meet at 1pm from the pavilion parking area on Middleton Rd in North Andover. The pavilion is just a short distance beyond the Berry Pond entrance, when heading east on Middleton Rd. (For GPS, use 580 Middleton Rd North Andover.) Note this is NOT the Berry Pond parking area, keep going until you see a parking lot visible from the street.

Our walks are free and family friendly, and usually last about two hours. This will be a snowshoe event if there’s enough snow. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

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John's Trail at Ward Reservation
1:00 PM13:00

John's Trail at Ward Reservation

  • 1275 Turnpike Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come hike North Andover’s side of Ward Reservation with FONAT. The hike will last about 2 hours as we explore the trails at Ward, including a trail on a recently acquired section of the reservation. The meeting place will be the Brightview retirement community on 114. (The trailhead is on the far end of the parking lot.)

The event is free and family friendly. Heavy rain cancels. This will be a snowshoe event if conditions allow.

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Boxford State Forest History Hike
1:00 PM13:00

Boxford State Forest History Hike

  • 744 Sharpners Pond Road North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In 1968, the Defense Department selected North Andover for the nation's first Sentinel Anti-Ballistic Missile base. Come explore Boxford State Forest with FONAT while learning the fascinating history of this unique corner of North Andover, what's left behind, and what could have been.

Our walks are free and family friendly, and will take about two hours. Heavy rain cancels. Dogs must be leashed.

We will meet at the state forest parking area at the end of Sharpner’s Pond Road in North Andover.

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