FONAT's Trail Monitor Program
Trail monitors regularly walk assigned trails to perform minor trail maintenance, identify areas needing more substantial maintenance, remove small trash items, report large trash items and evidence of illegal activity and ensure trails are adequately marked.
Core Responsibilities
- Walk the trail periodically (minimum twice per year), preferably once in early spring and once in late summer or early fall.
- Identify turns and trail sections where blazing or signage is missing or could be improved.
- Remove any small trash along the trail.
- Move any small limbs to the side or off trail that could impede safe walking, snowshoeing, XC skiing or biking.
- Report any trail maintenance issues, e.g.,
- Downed trees or tree limbs blocking the trail;
- Overgrown trail areas;
- Wet areas or other drainage issues impacting the trail or impeding safe walking;
- Large trash items;
- Evidence of illegal activity (e.g. garbage dumping, use of motorized vehicles, etc.).
- Report any trail kiosk issues.
- Submit your assessment using this form: