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Roadside Clean-up Day

  • 579 Bradford Street North Andover, MA, 01845 United States (map)

North Andover Trails will participate in the town's Annual Town-wide Earth Day Clean-Up! Come help pick up the trash along the roadside on Bradford St. We'll have trash bags, gloves, trash grabbers and orange vests on hand. Bring your own gloves and grabbers if you have them.

If we have a large enough group, we’ll send part of the crew to clean up along Great Pond Rd and Osgood St!

We'll meet at the Mazurenko Farm parking area on Bradford St, about 1/3 of a mile from the intersection with Great Pond Rd.

Please RSVP to if possible so we know how many gloves and grabbers to get from the Sustainability Committee.

Earlier Event: January 15
Our Quarterly Trail Meeting
Later Event: April 16
Our Quarterly Trail Meeting